Volume-2 (6th National Conference on "Recent Developments In Mechanical Engineering- 2017" )
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Automatic Tire Pressure Controlling and Self Inflating System: A Review |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | A.V.Wadmare || P.S.Pandure |
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: | 10.9790/1684-17010020105 ![]() |
Abstract: Tire is the most essential part of automobile and it plays crucial role in ensuring safe driving. Even then, almost every automobile on the road run with either one or more under inflated tires. Detailed survey has come with result that drop in tire pressure by just few psi leads to the reduction in gas mileage, tire life ,safe driving and vehicle performance. Unawareness of exact pressure requirement, sudden environmental changes are also some of causes for tire running with improper pressure .Automatic tire pressure controlling and selfinflating system ensures correct pressure in the tire all the time. Drop in pressure is detected by hissing sound made by tire and system will starts refilling the tire automatically..............
Keywords –Automatic control, safe driving, self-inflating system, tire pressure, vehicle
[1] I. Burase, S. Kamble, A. Patil and A. Kharat." A Survey on Automatic Air Inflating System for Automobile". International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5(10), 2016, ISSN: 2319-8753
[2] G. Ramesh, M. Mallesha and V.Gangadhar." Effect of Tyre Overload and Inflation Pressure on Rolling Loss in Cars" Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, , Vol. 5(8),2015, pp.01-08, ISSN: 2248-9622
[3] S. Adakmol, T. Shende, D. Poriya, S. Fotedar and S.P.Shinde."Central Tyre Air Inflation System" IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol. 4(3), 2016, ISSN:2321-0613.
[4] K. Vishnuram, R. Dinesh, S. Krishna, D. Kumar and T. Chazhiyan." Self Inflating Tyres" International Journal on Applications in Mechanical and Production Engineering, Vol.1(5),2015, pp 5-6, ISSN :2395-3500
[5] A. Mathai and P. Ranjan." A New Approach to Tyre Pressure Monitoring System" International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering. Vol. 4(2), 2015.
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Abstract: This paper presents the study of mechanisms and methods to synthesize. In this article three planar straight line mechanisms are developed and designed using type, number and dimension synthesis. Calculations of their kinematics are done by vector loop equations and freudenstein's equations. Spread sheets are developed for the relation between input and output angles, and the travel distance for corresponding input. Selection of one mechanism which proves to be the best for given problem statement is done using relative point method. This method takes into consideration all the parameters necessary for the application.
Keywords–Freudenstein equation, Kinematic synthesis, Planar Mechanisms, Straight line mechanism.
[2] F. Freudenstein, E R Maki, Creation of Mechanisms According to Kinematic Structure and Function, Environment & planningB: urban analytics & city science, 6(4), 1979, 375-391.
[3] F. Freudenstein, Approximate Synthesis of Four-Bar Linkages, ASME, 77, 1954, 853–861
[4] E.Soylemez, F. Freudenstein, Transmission optimization of spatial 4-link mechanisms, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 17(4), 1982, 263-283
[5] B. Roth, F. Freudenstein, Synthesis of path generating mechanism by numerical methods, Journal of Engineering for Industry, 85(3), 2011, 298-304.
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Abstract: In today's highly competent world, it has become very important to design an efficient and cost effective system. Proper analytical and optimum design concepts are needed to design such systems. Steel stacks play an important role in this era of industrialization. Stacks are vertical tall slender structures which discharge chemical waste gases from industries to the atmosphere. The main aim of this paper is to minimize total weight and thus, cost of the steel chimney. Our attempt is to generate data and optimize the various design parameters of steel stack. Weight reduction of steel stack will occur by reducing values of the design variables but to an extent such that the steel stack continues to stand..............
Keywords -Steel Stack, IS: Indian standards, BS: British Standards, UBC: Uniform Building Code, Static wind force, Static wind moment, Stress Analysis, Deformation Analysis
[1]. G. Murali, B. Mohan, P. Sitara and P. Jayasree, Response of Mild Steel Chimney Under Wind Loads, International Journal of Engineering and Application, 2(2), 2012,490-498.
[2]. B.D.Rakshith , Ranjith A, Sanjith J, Chethan G, Analysis of Cantilever Steel Chimney As Per Indian Standards, International Journal of Engineering and Application, ISSN : 2248-9622, 5(5), 2015, 151-162.
[3]. B. Siva Konda Reddy, V.Rohini Padmavathi , Ch. Srikanth, "Study of wind load effects on tall RC chimneys , International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology, E-ISSN 0976-3945,3(2), 2012, 92-97 .
[4]. Manoj Kr Gupta, Bajpai V.K, Garg T.K., "Optimization of Design parameters of steel chimneys", International Journal on Design and Manufacturing Technologies,.4(2), 2010, 40-46.
[5]. IS:875 (Part 3) – 1987
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Abstract: In this paper, the stress analysis of helical gear pair is carried by using 20MnCr5 (Alloy Steel) and Grey Cast Iron. The effect of change in material for same helical gear pair is studied. The analytical stress values are evaluated by using AGMA equation. The result is compared with the ANSYS Workbench 16.1 version. The objective of the study is to suggest a comparable material to replace Alloy Steel.
Keywords – Gear Strength, Alloy Steel, Grey Cast Iron, Stress Analysis.
[1] V. B. Bhandari, Design of Machine Elements (P-24 Green Park Extension New Delhi, McGraw Hill Education India Private Limited).
[2] N.A.Mulla, K.Bicha,. Design, Modeling and Structural Analysis of Helical Gear for Ceramic and Steel material by using ANSYS. International Journal Of Engineering Technology And Sciences, 2(1), 2014, 28-32.
[3] B. Vishwakarma, Upendra Kumar Joshi, , Finite Element Analysis of Helical Gear Using Three-Dimensional Cad Model. International Journal Of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 3(4), 2014, 1-7.
[4] S.Sai Anusha, P.Satish Reddy, P.Bhaskar M Manoj, Contact Stress Analysis of Helical Gear by Using AGMA and ANSYS. International Journal of Science Engineering and Advance Technology, 2(12), 2014, 1-5.
[5] J.Singh Chauhan, Jai Balwanshi, Gourav Gupta, Design, Simulation And Analysis Of Helical Gear. International Journal of Core Engineering & Management, 2(11), 2016, 8-16.
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Abstract: Hovercraft is an air cushion vehicle which moves on the land, ice, water and several other surfaces on which other vehicle cannot travel like in mud. The main focus is on applying the basic principles, laws and equations like continuity, energy, momentum for simulating the model. The simulation of the model is done to optimize the lift of hovercraft by optimize flow pattern and by finding dimensions and other parameters like pressure, velocity, discharge for particular weight. This paper is prepared regarding to work of simulation and design of small scale working model of hovercraft.........
Keywords - CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics), hovercraft, simulation
[1]. A.Tiwari, To Study And Fabrication Of Air Cushion Vehicle, Scholar, Pacific University Udaipur Rajasthan, India international journal of research –granthaalayah, 3(3),2015
[2]. V Abhiram, N Sunman Krishna , T Murali Mohan Raju and M Anjiah ,Study On Construction And Working Principle Of A Hovercraft, International journal of mechanical engineering and robotics research ISSN 2278 – 0149,3(4),2014.
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Abstract: A slurry erosion wear problem occurs generally in transportation of solid liquid mixtures, pumps, hydro turbines, petroleum extraction well. In this project we are going to conduct experiment on erosion wear at normal impact angles using a slurry pot tester for SS304L. In case of ductile material maximum wear is found when angle of impact is approximately 300 and for brittle material angle of impact is normal to the surface. Experiments will be conducted by changing solid concentrations, velocity and particle size. Based on the experimental study, relation between erosion rate and normal impact angle is to be predicted. The main objective is to study the effect of kinetic energy on different size solid particles after impact on same target material by using Ansys software.
Keywords - Impacting angle, Particle size, Pot tester, Slurry pot tester, SS304L.
[1]. G. R. Desale, Bhupendra K. Gandhi, S.C. Jain, Improvement in The Design of a Pot Tester to Simulate Erosion Wear due to Solid–Liquid Mixture, International Journal on the Science and Technology of Friction Lubrication and Wear, 259, 2005,196-202.
[2]. S. R More, B.D Nandre, G R Desale, Development of Pot Tester to Simulate the Erosion Wear due to Solid-Liquid Mixture, International Journal of Researchers,2,2014, 6-12.
[3]. Satish R More, Bhushan D Nandre, G R Desale, S H Gawande,Effect of impacting particle kinetic energy on slurry erosion wear, Springer International Publishing AG, 2015,1-9.
[4]. G. R. Desale, Bhupendra K. Gandhi, S.C. Jain, Effect of Erodent Properties on Erosion Wear of Ductile Type Materials, International Journal on the Science and Technology of Friction Lubrication and Wear,261, 2006,914-921.
[5]. G. R. Desale, Bhupendra K. Gandhi, S.C. Jain,Particle Size Effects on The Slurry Erosion of Aluminium Alloy (AA 6063), International Journal on the Science and Technology of Friction Lubrication and Wear, 266, 2009,1066-1071
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Abstract: The demand for the fossil fuels is increasing day by day, hence the available sources of fossil fuels are reducing. Therefore we require an alternative energy source to fulfill our various demands. Solar energy is one of the alternative to conventional energy sources, also it is available easily. The process of removing moisture from product is known as drying. For drying of agricultural product solar energy can be used. It can be used most efficiently by using solar dryer, as solar dryer reduce the time required for drying and also improves quality and life of the product to be dried. There is need to developed cost effective solar dryer in which different agricultural product can be dried. It should be commercialized. This paper includes review on different types of solar dryer and effect of environmental parameter like solar radiation, ambient temperature etc on performance.
Keywords - Drying, fossil fuels, moisture, radiations.
[1]. D. Pangavhane, R. Sawhney, P.Sarsavadia, Design, development and performance testing of a new natural convection solar dryer, Energy, Vol. 27,2002,. pp. 579-590
[2]. A. Sreekumar, P. Manikantan, K. Vijayakumar, Performance of indirect solar cabinet dryer, Energy Conversion Management, 49,2008. pp1388-1395
[3]. A. S. Mujumdar, S.P. ong, S.V. Janganm and C. L. Hii, Solar drying: fundamentals, applications and innovations, ISBN: 978-981-07-3336-0.
[4]. Zomorodian, D. Zare, H. Ghasemkhani, Optimization and evaluation of a semi-continuous solar dryer for cereals (Rice, etc), Desalination, vol. 209, ,2007,pp. 129-135.
[5]. T. Koyuncu, An investigation on the performance improvement of greenhouse-type agricultural dryers, Renewable Energy, vol. 31,2006,pp.1055-1071
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Abstract: Thermoacoustic Refrigerator is a device which uses the high intensity acoustic waves in a pressurized gas tube to pass heat from one place to other to produce cooling effect. Thermoacoustic technology is proposed in this study as an alternative to current issues with conventional refrigerator because of there is no any environmental hazards refrigerants during its working. The system does not use refrigerants like Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), Hydro-chlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) which are toxic chemicals and it results in the depletion of ozone layer but uses inert gases like Helium, Argon etc. or air at 1atm instead. It does not require any moving parts except loudspeaker...............
Keywords -Thermoacoustic, Refrigerator, standing wave, COP, stack
[2]. N.M. Hariharan, P. Sivashanmugam, S. Kasthurirengan, Experimental investigation of a thermoacoustic refrigerator driven by a standing wave twin thermoacoustic prime mover, International Journal of Refrigeration, 36( 8),2013,2420–2425.
[3]. Tijani M.E.H., Zeegers J.C.H., and De Waele A.T.A.M., Construction and performance of a thermoacoustic refrigerator, Cryogenics, 42,2002,59-66.
[4]. Bheemsha, R. Nayak. B, Pundarika.G, Design of the Resonator Tube and Buffer Volume for Thermo Acoustic Refrigerator, International journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research, 2, 2011, 215-220.
[5]. A.C. Alcock, L.K. Tartibu, T.C. Jen, Experimental investigation of ceramic substrates in standing wave thermoacoustic refrigerator, Procedia manufacturing, 7,2016,79-85.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design and Experimental Study of Solar Hybrid Bicycle: A Review |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | H. S. Upare || P. S. Pandure |
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: | 10.9790/1684-17010024448 ![]() |
Abstract: In present scenario a Solar Hybrid Bicycle system will help to solve the major problems of fuel and pollution. There is no doubt that the emission of carbon-dioxide from an automobile exhaust is a concern for the increasing rate of global warming. The fuel prices in India and around the world is increasing day by day thus there is a tremendous need to search for an alternative to conserve these natural resources. Promoting use of hybrid vehicles can reduce CO2 emission and the fuel costs. Thus a solar bicycle is an electric vehicle which provides alternative by utilising solar energy to charge the battery and thus provide required voltage to run the motor. India is blessed with nine months...............
Keywords -Alternative, Bicycle, Energy, Hybrid, Solar.
[2]. M. R. Sankar, T. Pushpaveni and V. B. Reddy, ―Design and Development of Solar assisted bicycle‖, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3( 3),2013, pp. 452-457, ISSN 2250-3153.
[3]. Kartik S Mishra*, Shubham V Gadhawe, Dhiraj C Chaudhari, BhupendraVarma and S. B. Barve, ―Design and Development of Solar Hybrid Bicycle‖, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, pp. 378-380, ISSN 2277 – 4106.
[4]. V.K.Sethi, M. Pandey and P. Shukla, ―Use of Nanotechnology in Solar PV Cell‖, International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications, Vol. 2(2),2011, pp. 77-80, ISSN: 2010-0221.
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Abstract: Primary shortages for human society are of fresh water and conventional energy source. Solar still is the most prominent non-conventional method to convert the grey water, brackish water into fresh water using solar which is freely and abundantly available. This paper reports about the performance of the solar still under the climatic conditions of Pune (latitude 18.5N). Solar still with three different samples of waste water (Grey water of shaving, Muddy water and Kitchen waste water) with same capacity were tested for water distillation.The temperature of the produced hot water reached as high as 63℃, and the average water temperature was about 40℃. The pH of distilled condensate was found to be between 6.8-7.2 indicating neutral character. Research on 'Cleantech' is done which is a method of reducing the overall organic load of wastewater. The whole study is to support the design and fabrication of a dynamic solar waste water treatment unit.
Keywords -Solar Still, pH Value, Water Waste, Distillation.
[2]. Ajay Kumar Kaviti, Akhilesh Yadav,Amit Shukla, Inclined solar still designs: A review, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sagar Institute of Science and Technology, Gandhinagar, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.
[3]. Helmy E Gad, El-Gayar SM, Hisham E Gad. Performance of a solar still with clothes moving wick. Fifteenth international water technology conference.
[4]. Swami Prakash Srivastava, Surat Prakash Srivastava, Solar Energy And Its Role In Indian Economy, International Journal of Environmental Science: Development and Monitoring (IJESDM) ISSN No. 2231-1289, Volume 4 No. 3 (2013).
[5]. Nithin P. K., Hariharan.R, Design and Heat Loss Calculations from Double Effect Type Solar Still Integrated with LFPC,
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Abstract: A composite material is made out of a mixture or a combination of two or more distinctly differing materials which are insoluble in each other and differ in form or chemical composition. The machining of composite materials is a growing problem in various fields such as aeronautical, automotive, wind turbine industries. In particular, the drilling of these materials, required to assemble different parts, is difficult to control and often leads to delamination at the exit of the laminates. This paper aims at the comprehensive analytical and experimental investigation work done on the drilling on GPRP composites material. The conclusion of the paper discusses the development and outlines the trends for the research in this field.
Keywords -Drilling on GFRP, Delamination, Surface Roughness, Design of Experiment, Taguchi Analysis
[2]. Tom sunny, J.Babu, Jose Philip,Experimental Studies on Effect of Process Parameters on Delamination in Drilling GFRP Composites using Taguchi Method, Procedia Materials Science 6 ( 2014 ) 1131 – 1142
[3]. A.A. Patil, M.D. Shende, Experimental and Analytical Investigation of Drilling of Sandwich Composites: A Review, IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, 2013, 6 (6),pp. 40–52. DOI: 10.9790/1684-0664052
[4]. S. Arul, L. Vijayaraghavan, S. K. Malhotra and R. Krishnamurthy, "Influence of tool material on dynamics of drilling of GFRP composite"; International Journal on Advance Manufacturing Technology, 29, 2006, pp 655-662.
[5]. Birhan Isik, Ergun Ekici, "Experimental investigations of damage analysis in drilling of woven glass fiber reinforced plastic composite"; International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 49, 2010, pp 861-869.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Mechanical Properties of Materials Used For Prosthetic Foot: A Review |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | K. M. Walke || P. S. Pandure |
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: | 10.9790/1684-17010026165 ![]() |
Abstract: Prosthetic limbs are artificial devices which substitutes missing body parts (limbs).A person may face amputation due to disease or accident. The amputee's limbs are hence replaced by prosthetic limbs. These limbs aren't as multi-functional as natural limbs but try to meet specifications, restricting the performance level. Considering particularly prosthetic foot; selection of devices is based on its characteristics which coincide favorably with the characteristics of human foot. Prosthetic foot are designed in such a way it they meets required value of tensile strength, low density, corrosion resistant, more shear strength, flexible, durable and cost efficient. The above considerations depends on mechanical properties of the material used, Design of the foot and the manufacturing process applied..........
Keywords -Carbon Fiber (CF), Fiber Glass, Kevlar, Reinforced Carbon Fiber (RCF), Prosthetic Limbs.
[2]. D. A. Berry and C.P.(C),"Composite Materials for Orthotics and Prosthetics", Orthotics and Prosthetics, vol. 40(4) 1987, pp. 35-43.
[3]. K. Al-Khazraji, J. Kadhim and P. S. Ahmed, "Tensile and Fatigue Characteristics of Lower-Limb Prosthetic Socket Made from Composite Materials ", International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Istanbul, Turkey, 2012.
[4]. A. NamahHadi and J. Oleiwi, "Improve Flexural Strength of PMMA/SR Polymer Blend by Reinforcement with Carbon Fibers as Prosthetic Foot Polymer Material"; International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM),Vol. 4(2), 2015 ,ISSN 2319-4847
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analysis of Steam Injector and Sparger |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | D. Walunje || Rajiv B |
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: | 10.9790/1684-17010026670 ![]() |
Abstract: Acomparative study of steam injector & steam sparger is undertaken regarding heating of constant volume of water by keeping the structure rigid at all times. Vibrations in the structure are then monitored with the help of accelerometer & dial gauge. Homogeneous heating of water was also studied by noting down temperatures at different locations of the tank with the help of data logger. The data obtained is then compiled & the range of temperatures for which vibrations in the structure occurs more & the least are obtained. Hence, the performance of steam injector & steam sparger is effectively compared.
Keywords - Steam injection, vibrations, sparger
[2]. Spirax Sarco (www.spiraxsarco.com)
[3]. Armstrong International (https://www.armstronginternational.com)
[4]. TLV (www.tlv.com)
[5]. T. Bagatur, A. Baylar, N. Sekerdag, The effect of nozzle type on air entrainment byplunging water jets ,Water Qual. Research Journal of Canada, 37(3),,2002,599–612.